Friday, January 14, 2011

Open House & Fundraiser March 12 12-4pm

You know what they say about gardeners and winter - always dreaming about growing season! We are moving forward with plans to raise money to expand the garden by 15-17 beds this year and (hopefully) get an irrigation system put in if we can get the proper approvals.

In order to do this we are holding an Open House and Fundraiser on March 12, 12-4 pm at the Sportsplex (yes, a heated location!). And yes, we need your help!

We still need Coordinators and volunteers for:

1. Volunteer Recruitment Coordinator to recruit:
Greeters (2)
Kitchen workers (2-4)
Set up & tear down (4)
Silent Auction table attendants (2-4)
Silent Auction Cash Out workers (2-4)
2. Silent Auction Cash Out Coordinator
Know someone with experience who would be willing to help us?
3. Food Fundraiser Coordinator
Coordinate food preparation and sales from the kitchen
Please contact Sue at 403.289.4314 or if you can help.

We have split the coordination of duties of other specific areas as follows:

Speaker & Entertainment Coordinator - Kathy
Silent Auction Donations Coordinator - Sue
Set Up & Tear Down Coordinator - Penny
Advertising Coordinator - Sue
Gardening Questions & Answers Coordinator - Linda
Children's Activities Coordinator- Deb
Photo Display & Signage Coordinator - Peter
Plot Rental Coordinator - Penny

Looking forward to the group reconnecting and revitalizing for 2011! Questions and suggestions are welcomed. :)

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